Mission Statement:
To maintain and to increase man’s faith in the divinity of the Saviour Jesus Christ isthe chief objective of the Holy Name Society; to promote respect and honour for HisName, the means. An organized body of men striving heart and soul to make Jesusthe Man-God better known and better loved is the Holy Name Society and its aim.
Times of Meetings:
Regular meetings shall be held on the second Sunday of each month following the9:00 a.m. Mass (July and August Excepted), or on occasion at some other time asdetermined by the membership.
Holy Name Society Officers:
Spiritual Director: Fr. Luigi Filippini
President: Peter Pullia
Vice-President: Tony Tarsitano
Secretary: Barry Quarrell
Treasurer: Ron Sabatini
Facebook contact if appropriate – Barry Quarrell
The Holy Name Society is a group of men from the parish specially bound to honour God by their lives and example. From its various fundraising activities the Holy Name Society provides financial support for many social groups in the city along with church maintenance and other projects.Membership in the Holy Name society is open to all Catholics. All members must be firm believers in all that the Catholic Church believes and teaches and put these teachings into practice in their daily lives with actions and works of mercy.
• Wild Game Feast
• Festa Italiana
• Golf Tournament
• Dew Drop Inn
Many members of the Holy Name Society are very active in the Holy Name Society Bowling League.The teams meet at Mario’s Bowl every Thursday night from September to April.The inaugural season of this league started back in 1936 and it is still thriving today with 6 teams and over 30 bowlers. The annual awards banquet is a highlight of the season.